Hi, I’m Dr Jernej Hribernik, a mental health consultant with a PhD in psychology, and I have a special interest in supporting people who have anosmia. Loss of smell can be difficult to treat and can have profound effects on quality of life. It is often important to seek mental health support beyond, and in addition to, any medical advice.

Personally, I have had anosmia for over 20 years, and can empathize with people living with this condition. Professionally, I have 15 years experience in counseling and have conducted research in areas including subjective wellbeing, life satisfaction, developmental and evolutionary psychology.

Based in Melbourne, Australia, I support clients worldwide via 45-minute video consultations (PayPal, $150 USD). I provide a focused service for discussing how your anosmia affects you, and toward making the most out of life. Including:

  • Accepting and adjusting to anosmia
  • Grieving the loss of smell
  • Improving mental health
  • Managing impacts on work, relationships, and lifestyle
  • Discussing treatment options (if possible)
  • Debriefing after surgery or medical appointments
  • Monitoring changes
  • Experimenting with other approaches
  • Finding contentment and happiness

Preferred days of the week are Wednesdays and Thursdays. Please book by emailing your widest availability (dates and hours) to hribern@gmail.com

ABN 67192767268

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